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摘要: The race to control the buy now, pay later (BNPL) race has taken its latest surprise turn as FinTech giant Square has announced plans to buy Australian BNPL firm Afterpay in an all-stock deal worth about $29 billion, according to a press release.


摘要: London FinTech and digital bank Revolut is introducing daily interest on Savings Vaults for standard plan users, with no fees or minimum balance requirements, the company said in a press release emailed to PYMNTS on Friday (July 23).

摘要: Not so long ago, legacy core systems operated on-premise were a point of pride, and were often at the heart of the mainstream financial businesses that operated them. Increased expectations and evolving customer needs, however, are forcing financial businesses to move beyond legacy core systems. Moreover, application programming interface (API) and cloud technology have democratized the types of businesses that can now offer financial services, as well as how those services are offered.