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摘要: Central banks are alert to the challenge of cryptocurrencies, and are contemplating reactions ranging from prohibiting private issuance to embracing such currencies. This column argues that the risks of introducing a central bank digital currency are high while the efficiency gains do not seem large. A more efficient system can be achieved via innovation in current payment infrastructure.

摘要: by Joseph Rickert. I was surprised by greta. I had assumed that the tensorflow and reticulate packages would eventually enable R developers to look beyond deep learning applications and exploit the TensorFlow platform to create all manner of production-grade statistical applications. But I wasn’t thinking Bayesian. After all, Stan is probably everything a Bayesian modeler could want. Stan is a powerful, production-level probability distribution modeling engine with a slick R interface, deep documentation, and a dedicated development team.

摘要: "The Commission should not stand in the way of such ETPs coming to market" given Cboe's arguments for addressing the SEC's concerns, the derivatives exchange said Friday in a letter to the SEC, published online Monday. The letter from Cboe President and COO Chris Concannon was addressed to the director of the SEC's division of investment management, Dalia Blass, in response to her letter in January that pushed back on applications for bitcoin-related ETFs. Separately, the commission said Friday it would begin the process of determining whether it will allow NYSE Arca to list two ProShares funds tracking bitcoin futures.

摘要: Goldman Sachs' bull/bear indicator is sitting above 70 percent.That level is "normally associated with high risks for equity investors," Goldman strategists say. However, the strategists are telling investors not to worry. They note that the indicator's high level is mainly due to the low unemployment rate and strong economic growth momentum rather than rising rates or strong core inflation. "It is because of the lack of inflation that some of these variables can appear stretched without ringing alarm bells for equity investors," the Goldman note said.

摘要: Regression techniques are one of the most popular statistical techniques used for predictive modeling and data mining tasks. On average, analytics professionals know only 2-3 types of regression which are commonly used in real world. They are linear and logistic regression. But the fact is there are more than 10 types of regression algorithms designed for various types of analysis. Each type has its own significance. Every analyst must know which form of regression to use depending on type of data and distribution.

摘要: A recent survey of over 16,000 data professionals showed that the most common challenges to data science included dirty data (36%), lack of data science talent (30%) and lack of management support (27%). Also, data professionals reported experiencing around three challenges in the previous year. A principal component analysis of the 20 challenges studied showed that challenges can be grouped into five categories.

摘要: One of the most discussed topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain technology. We are beginning to understand what blockchain technology is, but how can we best use blockchain technology within our business? In this series we describe 5 blockchain technology use cases, such as smart contracts, identity management and share trading. We hope they will enhance your understanding of the opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology, and we welcome your feedback and further discussion.


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