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摘要: A diversity of cloud computing models is transforming how broker-dealers operate, with the potential to enhance agility, efficiency, resiliency and security within firms’ operations, while also highlighting the importance for firms to consider relevant regulatory factors for maintaining investor protection and market integrity, according to a new research report from FINRA.

摘要: Data science is without a doubt a true business game-changer. We believe that implementing data science is one of the biggest milestones your company can take. With data science, your work is more accurate and efficient, your assets are better used and protected, and finally – you can significantly reduce diverse operational costs. It really sounds interesting, doesn’t it? In this article, we want to show you how you can revolutionize your company using data science.

摘要: Stuart Gillen, Senior Manager at Kalypso, offers a few ways manufacturing organizations can leverage predictive maintenance to identify potential issues, reduce the occurrence and length of unplanned downtime, and get the most value from assets and budgets.


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