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摘要: 研究五年之久的中國央行數字貨幣呼之欲出。8月10日,中國人民銀行支付結算司副司長穆長春在中國金融四十人論壇上表示,央行數字貨幣即將推出,將採用雙層運營體系。

摘要: San Fransisco-based digital securities issuing platform Securitize became the first “blockchain-focused agent” to get SEC approval. The company said this will enable the company to be an official keeper of records for all digital securities registered with the SEC, positioning it as a one-stop digital securities service provider, said the company to CryptoSlate.

摘要: 大腦可以感知和處理複雜的事物,那電腦能模擬出來嗎?日前英特爾(Intel)發布了一個代號為 Pohoiki Beach 的神經擬態系統,一個 800 萬個數位神經元的超級電腦。雖然跟由 860 億個的腦細胞、神經元組成的人腦比起來,還相差甚遠,但其效率是效率是普通 CPU 的 10000 倍。

摘要: In order to determine which programming languages are likely doomed in the medium- to long-term, we looked at the popularity rankings by TIOBE and RedMonk, as well as Dice’s own database of job postings. If your career is based on any of the following languages, we suggest diversifying your skill-set at some point.

摘要: 金管會開放設立純網路銀行(下稱純網銀)後,計有連線商業銀行籌備處、將來商業銀行籌備處及樂天國際商業銀行籌備處提出申請(依遞件申請先後排序,下同),經成立審查會進行評選,金管會於今日(108年7月30日)宣布,3家均獲得設立許可。