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摘要: Automation is one of the big sleeper issues of the 2020 presidential campaign. Most candidates aren't focusing on it by name, even though it profoundly shapes key themes in the race: the U.S. economy, jobs and friction between the haves and have-nots.

摘要: Cerulli Associates' latest report, European Marketing and Sales Organizations 2019: Harnessing Technology to Win Business, shows that the role of asset managers’ marketing function is evolving from execution to strategic direction. Several marketing managers told Cerulli that their teams are becoming increasingly important to their firms. Most of the managers Cerulli interviewed reported that their marketing team headcount has increased over the past 12 months—and that they expect this to continue.

摘要: Even though banking and financial services have been slower than other industries to adopt the latest technology into their operations, financial organizations are trying to catch up by incorporating artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other technology to benefit their customers, remain competitive and improve business results. Here are the 7 biggest technology trends that will disrupt banking and financial services in 2020.

摘要: Google is the latest big tech company to make a move into banking and personal financial services: The company is gearing up to offer checking accounts to consumers, as first reported by The Wall Street Journal, starting as early as next year. Google is calling the project “Cache,” and it’ll partner with banks and credit unions to offer the checking accounts, with the banks handling all financial and compliance activities related to the accounts.

摘要: While big data has long been harnessed by leaders across virtually every industry to make key business decisions, today, the field is a proven and established subset of tech. With an ever-growing list of professions and use-cases surrounding big data, trends have emerged in how that data is collected, organized and used.

摘要: Big data and artificial intelligence work together to help companies improve customer experiences in new ways. Consider these big data and AI use case examples - from invoice processing to mining phone call recordings