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摘要: As the world’s leading regulatory compliant digital asset exchange, Coinbase sets one of the most stringent requirements for digital asset listing which includes technical evaluation of projects, legal and risk analysis, market supply and demand analysis, and crypto-economics. Coinbase holds a strong reputation in the digital asset industry, and thus the “Coinbase Standard” is considered as the industry benchmark for other digital asset projects, and the market has even seen the “Coinbase effect”.

摘要: 比特幣問世十多年,其大眾接受程度越來越高,尤其是 2020 年新冠肺炎疫情影響、全球經濟恐慌下,加速了加密貨幣的普及程度。然而,在全球金融體系中扮演重要角色的銀行,似乎普遍都不願接觸加密貨幣,這其中蘊含著什麼樣的理由呢?

摘要: 今年 6 月起,去中心化金融領域(DeFi)幾乎是無預警地一夕爆紅,總鎖定價值(TVL)從年初的 6.7 億美元一路躍升到如今的 67.6 億美元,漲幅達到驚人的 900% 之多,且大部分都集中在 7、8 月。毫無疑問地,DeFi 複製了 2017 年的 ICO 狂熱;問題在於,DeFi 究竟是否被高估了?

摘要: 前印度儲備銀行行長拉格胡拉姆·拉詹(Raghuram Rajan)於 8 月 19 日接受 CNBC《Beyond The Valley》Podcast 訪問時表示,他認為應允許 Facebook 欲發行的代幣 Libra 等私人數位貨幣與中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)競爭,並警告說,如果任何一項資產建立了壟斷地位,這將「產生問題」。

摘要: 又一個幣圈的瘋狂日常。8 月 2 日中午時間,幣安將於 9 月 25 日交割的比特幣合約發生了一瞬間的爆衝-價格飆升至 100,000 美元,引起社群激烈討論。這個多次下單的用戶用意為何?是否可能有下一次的「調皮惡作劇」?有待幣安進一步調查釐清。

摘要: 德國聯邦財政部於上週二(11)發布電子證券法條(eWpG)的草案,該草案計劃將證券發行分為「原有紙質憑證」、「中心化紀錄」和「去中心化紀錄」。三種方式將同時進行並讓市場決定最合適的方法。該國財政部表示此舉將能提高德國於全球加密貨幣領域地位,同時提高作業流程透明度,以維持市場誠信並保護投資者。

摘要: 儲蓄的人 (savers) 就是輸家,現金根本就是垃圾,國債是替聯準會工作的小偷。 你有收到消息嗎?央行公開表示他們的目標是要每年將現金價值降低 2%,請不要成為失敗者,思想開放點、放聰明點,買黃金、白銀跟比特幣了沒?

摘要: Data has three main functions that provide value to the business: To help in business operations, to help the company stay in compliance and mitigate risk, and to make informed decisions using analytics. “Data can have an impact on your top line as well as your bottom line,” said Dr. Prashanth Southekal, CEO of DBP-Institute in a recent interview with DATAVERSITY®. “Just capturing, storing, and processing data will not transform your data into a business asset. Appropriate strategy and the positioning of the data is also required,” he said. Southekal shared best practices for analytics and ways to transform data into an asset for the business.

摘要: In these uncertain times, effective understanding of your customers, your employees, and your market will illuminate paths for managing the short-term so as to be able to continue to grow and even flourish after the COVID-19 outbreak, a period that most economists think will be measured in months and not years. Companies have critical questions to answer about the shape and size of their workforces, including decisions on whether to furlough workers, reduce workforce size, or re-allocate teams to focus on high priorities. Some companies will even choose to grow and invest now, trading a short-term profit hit for long-term market share.