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摘要: Finance leaders dashed to digitization in the early days of the pandemic — not only as a means of promoting business continuity amid work-from-home requirements but also as a means of accelerating modernization plans that in many cases had already been in place. For all of its drawbacks, the crisis did present forward-looking chief financial officers with a prime opportunity to overcome the inertia against change that can keep businesses stuck on paper under normal circumstances.

摘要: 金融業一直以來是網路駭客鎖定的攻擊目標之一,尤其去年(2020)受到 COVID-19 疫情影響,線上金融服務的交易量明顯升高,倍數成長的交易金額也吸引了網路駭客的目光,更是增加了對金融業後端系統的網路攻擊,其中,勒索軟體與網路釣魚攻擊為最常見的攻擊手法。

摘要: The past year has forced businesses to pivot and modernize their technology, including making the move to the cloud and using the flexibility and scalability of artificial intelligence.