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摘要: 不少人拍照時都愛高舉V字手勢,但大家也許不知道,這個象徵「勝利」的動作,卻大有可能招致私隱洩露的危機。

摘要: The sharing economy is a two-way street that operates on trust between suppliers and customers, and that trust is even more important for high-value exchanges like home shares. A homeowner wants to properly vet a potential guest and the guest also needs assurance that everything is on the level.

摘要: Hyperbole aside, what has been clear for some time is that global digital footprint across all metrics is expanding. However a growing digital landscape has also resulted in greater potential opportunities to digital vulnerabilities and attacks.

摘要: 當前大數據、雲計算等新技術層出不窮,大數據離我們的生活越來越近,已成為新一代科技革命的風向標。對現代數據中心而言,雲計算、大數據的興起,必須依據新形勢、新特點適時創造新的安全防護系統和安全體系才能應對數據資產集中化和大數據化所帶來的嚴峻安全挑戰。

摘要: 回顧過去的幾年,機器學習在安全領域有不少應用,但其處境卻一直比較尷尬:一方面,機器學習技術在業內已有不少成功的應用,大量簡單的重複性勞動工作可以很好的由機器學習算法解決。

摘要: 一、引言單純的防禦措施無法阻止蓄意的攻擊者,這已經是大家都認同的事實,應對挑戰業界有了諸多方面的探索和實踐,而其中最有趣的就非安全分析莫屬了,圍繞著安全分析展開,我們可以看到大數據、數據挖掘、可視化...

摘要: Legacy applications are the older pieces of software that you use to run your business—these applications have been around for a while, and times have changed since they were created. While some will work fine for a while, they will inevitably need to be reevaluated at some point, which is when it’s time to evolve your legacy apps with confident cloud migration strategies. To help ease your modernization efforts, this article will provide a basic overview of when and how to do so. If you feel it’s time to modernize one of your legacy applications, ensure you either have a well-trained and experienced IT team in place or contact an IT company if needed to help ease this process.