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摘要: 以太坊合併(The Merge)進入最後一小時倒數。以太坊的 PoW 分叉項目 ETHW 14 日公告,在以太坊合併後的 24 小時內將啟動 ETHW 主網,而 f2pool、poolin、 等主要礦池已確認支持 ETHW 挖礦,一些新的礦池也在根據其測試網數據進行挖礦測試。

摘要: 媒體巨頭迪士尼(Disney)執行長 Bob Chapek,稍早公開表示迪士尼在過去一年時間裡不斷探索如何掌握 Web3 技術、正在持續制定邁向元宇宙的計劃。 (前情提要:迪士尼|正版「皮克斯系列NFT」 24小時內全數售罄,銷售額超330萬美元) (相關補充:祖克柏急po新圖片救場!臉書元宇宙Horizon Worlds被嘲「任天堂64水準」)

摘要: The sticker shock of cloud computing bills has many in the C-suite looking for answers. A solid finops program can close the budget holes and pay for itself.

摘要: In the post-Merge world of GPU mining, those without the most efficient hardware and lowest cost of power will have a hard time competing to mine other proof-of-work coins. As most of Ethereum’s hash rate flows over to other coins like Ethereum Classic, their profitability will plummet. Miners hope the value of those other blockchains can grow over time.

摘要: The blockchain network has affected more than just bitcoin. Countless industries around the world are investing in it, so the market size for blockchain is projected to be worth $163 billion by 2029. The way we govern and uphold administrative control must alter in the digital age. Our economic, legal and political institutions’ fundamental structures include contracts, transactions, and the records of those activities.

摘要: 臉書(Meta)多次跌出 App Store 美國前十大 App 排行,年輕用戶流失已經成為 Meta 亟需解決的燃眉之急,而 Meta 的策略依舊押注在元宇宙中。日前,Meta 大中華區總裁梁幼莓在上海 2022 世界人工智慧大會上表示,將從元宇宙「虛擬購物」著手,更喊出其目標是在 10 年內獲得 10 億元宇宙用戶。

摘要: Designing and deploying a single cloud architecture may not prepare you to take on a multicloud, especially where security and cost optimization are concerned.