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摘要: “Undoubtedly, Metaverse land is the next big hit in the NFT space. Outputting record sales numbers and constantly increasing NFT prices, virtual worlds are the new top commodity in the crypto space.”

摘要: When discussing what ADA may do with ETH in the future, the term “flippening” may have been used. However, in recent weeks, SOL has reversed this would-be “killer” itself.

摘要: 區塊鏈的概念至今對多數人來說仍屬陌生,似乎只存在特定族群中。但除了投資交易外,他還被聯合國應用於捐款管理與糧食履歷上,對於永續發展,他也能助一臂之力?

摘要: Initially developed for the purposes of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is conquering many sectors due to its properties. That’s the case with the healthcare industry. How can you use the potential of blockchain in this sector? Take a look at some interesting ideas.