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摘要: Data analytics are taking huge leaps in the modern technical sense owing to what experts call “the data boom”. There are billions of gigabytes of information available throughout the various segments across the world. Managing all of them in a way such that we can get effective information is crucial. Otherwise, it is just a bunch of gibberish.

摘要: While training the AI model, multi-stage activities are performed to utilize the training data in the best manner, so that outcomes are satisfying. So, here are the 6 common mistakes you need to understand to make sure your AI model is successful.

摘要: 在投資領域中,有些投資者認為技術分析線圖上若出現一星二陽的K棒組合,代表這支股票未來會有一波多頭的走勢。在這篇文章中,將以GOOGLE公司的歷史股價資料,示範如何以R軟體來回測驗證這個交易想法。若回測的交易日出現一星二陽K棒組合,則以當日的收盤價進場,出場則是在收盤價跌破20日移動平均線時,以跌破當日的收盤價出場。

摘要: Take advantage of TensorFlow.js to develop and train machine learning models in JavaScript and deploy them in a browser or on Node.js

摘要: 有了價量資料後,我們可以使用強大的 Python module — TA-Lib,在一兩秒的時間內快速計算多達 158 種的技術指標!指標的選擇眾多以外,還可以微調每個技術指標參數值的設定,非常好用!我們也因此不需要特地找資源管道去取得技術指標的資料了。...