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摘要: To be more change ready, focus on your adaptability skills. It could even position you better for your next...



Hard skills will always be top-of-mind for employers making hiring decisions – think coding, data science, and AI. But soft skills, such as the ability to communicate clearly and show empathy, can be even more valuable to organizations, as they’re more difficult to instill in people.

Adaptability – which includes the ability to deal with change, learn new skills, and work with a wide range of colleagues – is another key soft skill. Over 60 percent of employers acknowledge that it’s increased in importance over the last decade, and 20 percent of respondents say that recruits simply don’t possess it, according to a Barclays report. And with only eight percent of employers providing any specific learning so employees can address the problem, developing adaptability skills could make you a much more desirable candidate.

[ How do your people skills measure up? Read our related article, 8 powerful phrases of emotionally intelligent leaders. ]



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