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摘要: According to a Bitcoin analyst, PlanB, creator of one of the most accurate Bitcoin price models, on April 7, 2020, claimed that Bitcoin Futures do not affect the price of Bitcoin in the spot market. In his tweet, he said that Bitcoin prices stayed within the S2F bands even when Bitcoin was at its all-time-high (ATH) in December 2017 which many people claim was suppressed by the introduction of Bitcoin Futures in Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in 2017.

摘要: Bitcoin's price has plunged below $11,000 for the first time in over a month, breaking two support levels in less than a week. The world’s largest cryptocurrency is now trading at the $10,200 levels, slightly recovering from its low of $10,024, according to Binance. However, Bitcoin’s price at $10,000 can hardly be seen as a support level. Let’s take a look at a few major factors that led to the Bitcoin price plunge and crypto market crash.

摘要: 美國國家航空暨太空總署 (NASA) 投資 124,800 美元於兩家美國科技公司,發展太空項目「SCRAMBL」,根據 NASA 聲明,SCRUMBL 還有一套輕巧且量身定制的區塊鏈演算法,配合 ‘ 的自主規劃系統(APS),賦予了節點快速適應環境的能力,同時又能繞過其他太空飛行器,避免發生通訊中斷或斷路等問題。

摘要: 區塊鏈新創獨角獸 Circle 昨(27)日宣布,將對穩定幣 USDC 進行版本升級,USDC 2.0 除了優化協議的安全性以外,還整合了 Gasless 發送功能。這意味著,使用者不再需要持有以太幣(ETH)才能進行鏈上交易,不僅進一步降低踏入以太坊(Ethereum)的高門檻,也有望減輕目前的高手續費問題。

摘要: 台灣新創 Perpetual Protocol 近期完成了種子輪融資,在知名區塊鏈投資基金 Multicoin Capital 的領投下,獲得了 Three Arrows Capital、CMS Holding 和 Alameda Research 等機構級投資人的青睞,總計募得高達 180 萬美元的資金,折合新台幣約 5,300 萬。