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摘要: 交通運輸是社會運作的大動脈,不過在人流、車流數量龐大的特定時、地,這條動脈難免會堵塞,AI 智慧控制交通燈號(又稱「適應性號誌」)則可舒緩此狀況,桃園近期試辦的智慧交通計畫中,就利用 AI 技術讓車輛停等紅綠燈的時間減少 20%,「AI 智慧號誌控制是社會大眾最有感的智慧交通系統之一,這項技術確實可以讓用路人大幅降低塞車之苦。」凌華科技智能視覺事業中心資深產品經理許凱翔指出。

摘要: 若元宇宙真的成為了我們的未來,那麼在這樣的虛擬世界中,打造貼近現實樣貌的虛擬分身似乎是一個值得發展的技術。透過臉部動作捕捉技術,建立出幾乎一樣的自己,讓超逼真的虛擬分身代替我們進入虛擬購物中心,並在工作面試或會議上代表我們。

摘要: Let’s find out about the cons of artificial intelligence to understand if an error cause chaos or devastation.

摘要: Gartner research predicts that by 2026, the chatbot industry will grow into an $8.8B business. According to research done by and C-Zentrix, a 320% growth of Global Voice Assistant transaction values is expected between 2021-2023.Here are 7 ways that Chatbots are being used to engage, analyze, and ultimately satisfy the end user, customer and employee for today’s forward thinking companies.

摘要: Successful companies today need to be data driven. A survey by NewVantage Partners found that 92% of organizations are increasing their investments in data and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. On the flipside however, only 19% of companies feel that they are truly being data driven. This analytics gap continues to widen and conspires to impede organizational process. This gap boils down to one thing: a lack of analytics capacity within organizations. There are both technical and cultural challenges that affect the development of data-driven organizations.

摘要: 現在越來越多產業引進人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,AI)技術,生鮮雜貨零售產業也不例外。美國最大的生鮮雜貨連鎖零售商 Kroger 宣布將與 NVIDIA 合作,在位於辛辛那提的總部裡打造一個實驗室。從物流、鮮食計畫、購物體驗等各種層面業務,引進 AI 技術改善並提升服務品質。

摘要: 現在越來越多產業引進人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,AI)技術,生鮮雜貨零售產業也不例外。美國最大的生鮮雜貨連鎖零售商 Kroger 宣布將與 NVIDIA 合作,在位於辛辛那提的總部裡打造一個實驗室。從物流、鮮食計畫、購物體驗等各種層面業務,引進 AI 技術改善並提升服務品質。