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摘要: 情緒分析就是針對文本背後所詮釋的情緒進行分析。近來年機器學習和資料探勘正廣為學界和業界使用,而情緒分析則類似於資料探勘中的文字探勘,計算文本中各個字詞所代表的情緒分數,解讀進而轉化成資訊。

摘要: What programming language for artificial intelligence is suitable for you? It is a crucial question for your company’s future. Every major tech business and even startups are working on artificial intelligence (AI), which has emerged as one of the hottest issues and largest study disciplines. It’s a tremendously broad topic that covers anything from simple calculators and self-driving cars to intelligent robots that could fundamentally alter the course of human history.