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摘要: 數據科學家的重要任務,就是減少與防止機器學習偏差,而防止偏差的最好方式,就是了解偏差發生的原因。一旦原因確定,就能採取行動來消除。量子運算博士生 Sara A. Metwalli 分享 機器學習偏差的 5 種類型、它們如何發生,以及如何減少影響,提供給 AI 模型開發者參考。

摘要: Demand for artificial intelligence is growing, but success rates are underwhelming. Here's what you can do to maximize the value from your AI deployment.

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摘要: Google today launched AI Platform Prediction in general availability, a service that lets developers prep, build, run, and share machine learning models in the cloud. It’s based on a Google Kubernetes Engine backend and features an architecture designed for high reliability, flexibility, and low overhead latency.

摘要: 微軟(Microsoft)11 日發布更新版 DeepSpeed 庫,此深度學習優化庫引進新方法訓練包含上兆參數的 AI 人工智慧模型,亦即模型內部可提供預測變量。微軟宣稱名為「3D 平行」(3D parallelism)的技術,可適應不同的工作負載需求,以便運行超大模型,同時平衡擴充效率。

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