Topps Releases New NFT Collection for MLB 摘要: Topps on Tuesday (Aug. 31) announced the 2021 Topps MLB Inception NFT Collection, calling it “a brand-new baseball card inspired release” on blockchain platform 閱讀全文...
燒以太第一大戶!去年DeFi淘金熱在Uniswap,今年是「NFT黑馬Opensea」 摘要: 去年 DeFi 淘金熱潮 Uniswap,至今已成為百億級別的獨角獸。孰不知,當年 Uniswap 的龍頭寶座,已經從 DeFi 轉為 NFT 的時代。NFT 交易市場 Opensea 在 8 月交易量創下了高達 10 億美元的驚人交易量,單月為去年整年交易量的 500 倍。文章將帶您了解交易平台 Opensea 的現狀、優點、缺點與發展性。 閱讀全文...
OnlyFans Changes Course, Won’t Ban Explicit Content 摘要: OnlyFans has apparently changed its mind about a planned ban of sexually explicit material. 閱讀全文...
特斯拉自研 Dojo 晶片,可挑戰 AWS 與 Google 雲端地位 摘要: 在特斯拉 AI Day 中,馬斯克不僅展示人形機器人 Tesla Bot,也展示了 Dojo 超級電腦晶片。美國麻省理工學院(MIT)深度學習暨 AI 科學家 Lex Fridman 推文評論,這是自己一生中看到最驚人的 AI 工程。 閱讀全文...
Dogecoin going to help real dogs — Chicago animal shelter now accepts crypto 摘要: "We are eager to connect with the growing cryptocurrency community, who can help sustain the future of animal welfare in Chicago and save animals' lives," said PAWS Chicago CEO Susanna Homan. 閱讀全文...
OnlyFans boss explains how 'aggressive' banks forced it to drop adult content 摘要: Speaking on OnlyFans’ ban on adult content, founder and CEO Tim Stokely explained the banks were the only reason behind the policy change. 閱讀全文...