1. 90%做區塊鏈專案不佳,但台灣未來機會在區塊鏈?
2. 以太幣的價值來源及其意義
3. 挖礦那檔事:PoW和PoS的不同
4. 南山人壽「2019精算大數據研討會」發表三大研究成果
5. Artificial intelligence shines light on the dark web
New tools can find patterns in vast online data to track and identify users on illicit forums.
6. 網站文章爬蟲大揭密(附Python程式碼)
7. RegTech Data Summit 2018 | Keynote: Reforms to Enable RegTech
8. Transforming health care and medical education through clinical Big Data analytics
9. Let the customers do the talking
10. InsurTech Success - The Next Frontier of Insurance
11. How is InsurTech transforming the industry?
12. Big Data and Machine Learning
13. 一帶一路大數據報告(2018)
14. Python大數據特訓班:資料自動化收集、整理、分析、儲存與應用實戰(附近300分鐘影音教學/範例程式)
15. Big data based fraud risk management at Alibaba, Jidong Chen, Ye Tao, Haoran Wang, Tao Chen, 2015
16. Towards an Integrative Big Data Analysis Framework for Data-Driven Risk Management in Industry 4.0, Tim Niesen ; Constantin Houy ; Peter Fettke ; Peter Loos, 2016
17. Deep learning networks for stock market analysis and prediction : Methodology, data representations, and case study. Eunsuk Chong, Chulwoo, Frank C. Park, Expert systems with Application
18. Evaluating deep learning models for sentiment classification, Betul Ay Karakus, Muhammed Talo, Ibrahim Riza Hallac, Galip Aydin
19. Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Alex Graves, Ioannis Antonoglou, Daan Wierstra, Martin Riedmiller
20. The Risk Management Using Limit Theory of Statistics on Extremes on the Big Data Era, Zhou, Qingyuan; Luo, Jianjian, 2015
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