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摘要: 新冠疫情爆發後,人們足不出戶,大幅帶動線上金融服務的頻率。過去銀行業習慣將消費者分成幾大族群,但當有了數據、AI 等科技輔助後,未來金融業的面貌會不會有所改變,又有哪些金融趨勢值得我們關注?

摘要: Banks are faced with more complex reporting requirements, more scrutiny of the data that they use to fulfil them and more severe consequences when things go wrong, according to Gresham Technologies.

摘要: The Next Wave: The Business Adoption Of Digital Fraud Solutions explores the key drivers of and perceived benefits and obstacles to implementing digital identification and verification technologies. The report analyzes a survey of 307 auto dealers, banks, credit unions and alternative or peer-to-peer lenders and examines United States firms’ perceptions and plans for digital identification and verification.

摘要: 睽違一年,國泰金控將去年推出的國泰即服務(CaaS)概念平臺化,正式推出CaaS生態圈服務平臺,整合旗下各子公司API服務,打造金控級API Store,目的是透過統一入口與異業洽談合作,藉此帶進更多跨子公司、跨業、跨界的合作機會。同時,國泰也在這次採用Google Cloud Apigee技術並導入最新管理架構,讓各子公司技術層面上的內外環境能虛擬隔離,同時也能整合業務層面的需求。

摘要: In the rise of the platform economy, the super app looms large. The lines between services and brands that once were simple and well-defined — that Amazon is simply an eCommerce retailer, that Walmart is simply a retail behemoth or telecoms only provide phone service — are blurring.

摘要: Speaking with PYMNTS, Zeeshan Feroz, chief growth officer at MoonPay, explained that lowering the barriers to entry for businesses interested in crypto business models must go beyond providing infrastructure to support the buying, selling and storage of digital currencies. Taking a compliance-centric approach to servicing these firms, and supporting their growth through banking services, results in a more holistic offering that can help the cryptocurrency ecosystem proliferate — compliantly.