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摘要: Many businesses have found paper checks difficult to manage during the pandemic and have sought out alternative payment approaches to better suit their needs. Firms have increasingly turned their attention to accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) digitization and automation efforts that can move money faster and with less manual intervention. Some companies are embracing account-to-account (A2A) payments, which transfer money between buyers’ and vendors’ bank accounts, to give them the speed they need.

摘要: In this contributed article, Karen Krivaa, VP of Marketing at GigaSpaces Technologies, discusses how Open Banking will become more of a necessity now and the need for efficient data architecture to help drive the adoption. In the current COVID-19 climate, this notion brings the Digital Banking (with need for Open Banking) idea back into the limelight.。

摘要: 本文源自於伊曼紐爾.柯恩 (Emanuel Coen) 所撰寫的《加密貨幣產業與早期 Visa 的 5個相似點(5 Ways Crypto is like early Visa)》,柯恩是支付巨頭 Paypal 的前工程師(應該也是以太坊超級支持者),雖然 Visa 早就是家喻戶曉的信用卡公司,但多數人可能不太了解 Visa 是怎麼發展過來的。近期,柯恩意外發現 1970 年代的 Visa 與現在的加密貨幣領域竟有多處相似,或許也會讓你大吃一驚。

摘要: 為嚴格執行洗錢防制,P2P未來若要和銀行打交道得「過八關」。銀行公會理監事會議通過「銀行與P2P業者資金保管及金流服務辦法」草案,除了要求銀行在與P2P業者進行業務合作前,不僅資金保管或金流服務,所有的業務合作均須評估風險胃納,更直接羅列八大銀行業者必須逐一進行風險評估的事項,該草案將在近期內由銀行公會送抵金管會通過,之後即正式上路。

摘要: 近年金融科技席捲金融業,銀行業者業試圖讓自己科技化,與科技公司密切合作,導入各式科技解決方案的同時,卻也將科技業視為勁敵。勤業眾信提醒與其讓自己成為"科技公司",更應該專注於扮演好金融市場的中介角色。

摘要: 翻開銀行發展史,「銀行1.0」是指以分行為主要客戶通路的傳統銀行;「銀行2.0」是自助銀行設備出現,讓銀行在打烊後,還能提供服務;銀行開始使用ATM,並在1995年因網際網路開始商業化而加速;「銀行3.0」是智慧手機於2007年出現,愈來愈多交易轉移到行動支付、P2P等現象。