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摘要: 據外媒 CNBC 報導,摩根大通全球批發支付業務負責人 Takis Georgakopoulos 表示,有一大型科技公司客戶將於本週首次使用「JPM Coin」在全球範圍內用於商業支付;同時,摩根大通還設立了一名為 Onyx 的新部門,配置超過 100 名員工專門負責各種區塊鏈及數位貨幣項目。

摘要: The Bitcoin(BTC) price rose 0.8% over the last 24 hours while almost all every other crypto experienced a drop in price. Ethereum (Eth) fell around 2.5% over the last 24 hours, while Ripple (XRP) dropped 3.3% and Binance (BNB) also fell by 7%. The US stock markets have been suffering as well with the S&P, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq Futures all down.

摘要: Central bank digital currencies are perhaps one of the most transformative developments in our world financial system currently in development. CBDC are digital assets, but they are not cryptocurrencies and in fact strike at the heart of the very philosophy that brought Bitcoin into existence.