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摘要: 一、互聯網讓大數據就在身邊互聯網作為改變人類歷史的產物,近年來得到了飛速的發展,隨著互聯網的日益普及,其正在逐漸改變人們的生活習慣。商場的購物份額正在被足不出戶的網絡購物所侵蝕;新聞媒介受到鋪天蓋...



摘要: As is the case with most tools, AI has the potential to expose individuals and enterprises to an array of risks, risks that could have otherwise been mitigated through diligent assessment of potential consequences early on in the process.

摘要: 富邦人壽在今年 7 月底上線了「虛擬保險館」,瞄準生活中大大小小的有趣情境,推出諸如「地震太晃到地上險」、「豬價上漲吃土險」等產品,盼能透過活潑的虛擬互動體驗,讓年輕人以全新視角去認識保險。不僅如此,富邦人壽還推出了最新的「比特幣大跌心痛險」,企圖打進虛擬貨幣市場。

摘要: The short answer to this question is: It depends! The longer answer is different for different investors and trading signals. That, in turn, means issues like long queues, invested venues and speed bumps matter more (or less) depending on how you need to trade.

摘要: 大數據風控目前應該是前沿技術在金融領域的最成熟應用,相對於智能投顧,區塊鏈等還在初期的金融科技應用,大數據風控目前已經在業界逐步普及,BATJ從這樣的大企業,到交易規模比較大的網貸平台,再到做現金貸,消費金融的創業公司,都在通過大數據風控技術來控制貸款規模擴張中的風險。