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摘要: CHICAGO – August 12th, 2020 – Renaissance Technologies famed hedge fund, Medallion, along with other AI-driven funds including Citadel, D.E. Shaw and Two Sigma, are on the verge of facing off against a new generational hedge fund fueled by the latest AI technologies with one key difference: a 100 percent model-driven, alpha-learning, AI algorithm designed to pinpoint market demand projections while actively applying real-time data analysis insights without human interruptions.

摘要: There are many challenges associated with performing algorithmic trades in the real world. Despite these challenges, there are a dozen well-known names in the algorithmic trading world and more players are trying their hands in this business every year.

摘要: The role of exchange traded funds in capital markets is one of those topics that hits our “Markets, Data and Disruption” thematic focus dead-on. We’ll therefore take the whole report to discuss the survey’s results but still use the customary tripartite framework to summarize our conclusions.

摘要: 人工智慧落地,在台灣的諸多產業都是重要的議題。場景切換到金融業,這個長存於歷史洪流中的產業,可說是對數據、資料最敏感的行業,在所有產業都還沒有開始收集數據時,金融業就已經開始用紙本進行大量的建檔,包含所有的交易歷史,客戶資料,存款、帳戶資料,在 AI、大數據都還沒有個雛形時,金融業其實就已經擁有了最重要的根基:龐大的數據庫。

摘要: The artificial intelligence was unleashed by Winton, the London hedge fund, to test an old principle of the Berkshire Hathaway chairman: that major acquisitions usually hurt the buyers' shareholders. Researchers collected and analysed data on almost 9,000 US deals back to the 1960s.

摘要: 無論在風險投資界還是在股票市場中,廣為流傳的話是,“風來了,豬都可以飛起來”,“笨蛋,要找風口,不是找鳥,更不是找豬!”與此同時,理性“只會遲到,不會缺席”的善意提醒時時敲打著“追風者”投資人脆弱的神...

摘要: 現實世界——從種族隔離制度到金融市場——一直在警示我們:那些試圖通過科技來掌握複雜人類行為的做法會使我們誤入歧途。無論是在科學領域,還是在日常生活中,我們都經常會做出一些幼稚的事:我們堅持把未知的事物...

摘要: Kumesh Aroomoogan在花旗銀行學到了很多,他在那裡的工作是緊盯突發新聞。他還記得有一次,他因為要去洗手間而暫時沒有盯新聞,所以錯過了一條市場變動消息,導致一個交易員沖自己大喊大叫。現在,他成了Accern的聯...