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摘要: From predicting COVID-19 mortality to content personalization, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding the possibilities for organizations across the globe. As a result, more companies and industry-leading firms are increasing their investments in AI.

摘要: With increased compliance laws in recent years governing how organizations must manage, retain and eventually delete customer data, it is vital that policies and processes are put in place so that obligations can be met and individual rights respected.

摘要: AI in agriculture aids in the detection of pests, plant diseases, and undernutrition in farms. Artificial intelligence sensors can identify and target weeds before deciding which herbicide to use in the area. Precision agriculture, often known as artificial intelligence systems, is assisting in enhancing the overall quality and accuracy of harvests.

摘要: Many devices currently utilize speech-enhancement technologies, including wireless headphones like Apple’s AirPods Pro and teleconferencing services like Zoom and Google Meet. With either conventional signal-processing algorithms or more recent machine learning techniques, the objective is to remove any undesired noise or distortions from incoming audio and improve the clarity of the speaker’s voice.

摘要: The latest study showed expanding data sets with “fake data” offered at least 40% increase in the performance of robots. A new method widens training data sets for robots that operate with soft things like ropes and fabrics, or in congested situations, taking a step toward creating robots that can learn on the fly like people do.

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