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摘要: Machine learning models can perform wonderful things—if they have enough training data. Unfortunately, for many applications, access to quality data remains a barrier.

摘要: While most no-code solutions can be used to develop applications, some companies are hesitant to implement them for security and reliability reasons.

摘要: Advanced analytics provider Alteryx's Trifacta acquisition and new lineup of cloud-native technologies is steering the company where machine learning, AI, and other analytics are headed -- the cloud.

摘要: Wherever you are, whatever your focus, there’s no avoiding the European Union’s emerging regulation on user privacy and compliance in artificial intelligence systems.

摘要: Low-code is the latest hype and everyone seems eager to jump on the bandwagon after the promising numbers presented by Gartner and Forrester. Low-code is presented as this end-all, be-all in the development world, bringing along these clickbait titles such as “The era of coding is ending”. This always makes me chuckle a bit, because who do you think is coding those low-code platforms then?

摘要: Data governance is becoming increasingly essential as businesses confront new data privacy regulations and rely more on data analytics to optimize operations and make business decisions.