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摘要: Everything from NASA to cryptocurrencies and more…



▲Photo by Douglas Lopes on Unsplash

Application Programming Interfaces, more commonly referred to as APIs, are important tools that power many applications and websites. Essentially, these components work behind the scenes to allow authorized applications (and in some cases, individual users) access to data and the ability to interact with external services. Fortunately for us developers, there are many free-to-use and free-tiered APIs that we can integrate into our applications. Today, we are going to explore 5 of these APIs and see what they have to offer.

1. NASA Open APIs

The NASA Open APIs is actually a collection of over a dozen APIs that provide tons of planetary weather information, satellite information, pictures, etc. Once you have obtained a free authorization key, you are limited to 1,000 requests per hour. One of my favorite APIs in this collection is the Astronomy Picture of the Day.



▲JSON response from the endpoint.

If you navigate the URL given in the response in your web browser, you can then see the picture.


▲Picture from NASA shown in a web browser.

2. Open Library APIs

Another free collection of APIs is the Open Library APIs. This collection allows us to search for all things related to books. It even allows multiple ways to find books, authors, subjects, and more by using names, ISBNs, OCLC, and LCCNs. You can even search for text within books!



▲Response from search API.

3. Coin API

Coin API is not completely free, but it does have a free tier you can use to get the latest market data for cryptocurrencies. Using the free version, you are limited to sending only 100 requests each day, however, upgrading to a higher tier can be done for a reasonable price.



▲Response from Coin API.

4. News API

Another API that isn’t totally free but does have a free tier is the News API. This awesome tool allows you to obtain news articles from reputable news sources and blogs. Again, if you choose to use the free tier, you will be limited to the number of requests you can send as well as not getting new articles in real-time. However, this API can still be a great tool to add to your tool belt.



▲Response of searching for cryptocurrency news.

5. Spotify API

Looking to enhance your experience on Spotify? Look no further because they have an API too. It only takes a few minutes to get a client id and secret for your application. Once you have that, there are tons of endpoints to use to get information on artists, albums, etc. Not only that, you can add/delete/update items in your playlists. For all you Python developers, there is a Spotipy module that makes it even easier to interact with the Spotify API.



▲Response from the search endpoint.

BONUS: The Bored API

Last, but not least, there is the Bored API. In a nutshell, the purpose of this fun API is to give you suggestions of activities you can do if you are bored.



▲Response from Bored API endpoint.


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