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摘要: Everyone involved in the supply chain knows procurement is an integral part of any business. But there is a hidden risk in the procurement process. Let us see which procurement risks are weakening the entire supply chain and how the latest technologies like AI come into play to mitigate these procurement risks.

摘要: The telecom industry has a say in both your professional and personal life. Whether it is your workplace, apartment, or house, you need a telecom company by your side to keep you in touch with all that is going around you.

摘要: The reports are in, and another Big Tech earnings season is done, as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet and Microsoft all announced their quarterly results this week. And while we’ll be the first to admit that AFAMA AMAFA, FAMAA or MAFAA don't have quite the same ring as FAANG does, it’s probably the stock family to watch to get a good idea of what’s next in Big Tech, and where the biggest players are placing their bets.