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摘要: Why business intelligence is a must in the modern business? Business intelligence (BI) solutions can help organizations maintain their competitiveness by giving them a comprehensive view of all of their data. But it can also be challenging to comprehend exactly what BI is for individuals who haven’t adopted a tool yet or are just curious. Is it a fortune-teller? Let’s take a closer look.

摘要: 資料中心過去光是運作就消耗許多能源,但在淨零減碳趨勢下,逐漸朝向永續轉型。一改過去高耗能的形象,資料中心運用優勢,將資源最佳化控管,提升能源使用效率,達成減碳目標。在台深耕 22 年的數位通國際,擁有堅強的產業經驗與實力,如何看待這波資料中心的綠色轉型?