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摘要: What can internal community management bring to your digital transformation efforts? Grassroots support for change, for starters



The “smack my head” moment came for Rachael Happe, co-founder of The Community Roundtable, as she was reading a PWC article about digital transformation that started with “Mandate change — don’t just talk about it.”

“Maybe that’s why so many organizations fail?” she lamented in a Tweet, adding (when prompted for clarification), “Change cannot be mandated. You can bribe/punish people into it but you won’t get their best work.”

In fairness, I’m not sure PwC authors Tom Puthiyamadam and David Clarke meant to state that change can simply be mandated, only that leadership commitment is an important starting point for what they call digital “transcendence” (because “transformation” is such an overused word). The PwC article ends with a discussion of how people and culture can be critical to transformation.



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