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摘要: 權益證明系統的核心是其簽名方案。簽名用於驗證發出操作的驗證者的身份,即確定哪個操作是由哪個驗證者發出的(不論是「好」 的操作還是「壞」的操作)。本文源自於 Ethereum 的 Carl Beekhuizen 之文章 《Validated, staking on eth2: #4 – Keys 》,由專欄作者 以太坊愛好者編譯、撰寫及整理。

摘要: Last Tuesday, Google shared a blog post highlighting the perspectives of three women of color employees on fairness and machine learning.

摘要: 在新冠病毒(COVID-19)的衝擊之下,部分國家開始延後5G頻譜的釋執作業,電信業者也放緩5G網路的佈建進度,5G的商用化腳步似乎受到一些延遲;不過,隨著遠距工作、線上娛樂的使用量不減反增,加上各界注意到行動網路在危機時期扮演的重要性,讓5G基礎建設及商業應用更容易順勢推動,對5G產業來說很可能是因禍得福。

摘要: 多年前,在我讀碩士的時候,垂涎一位台灣女神老師的美色,跑去旁聽她的課。正當我捧著兩腮,眼冒星星地看著女神,花痴地流著口水時,聽到她說:人工智能是不可能取代人的。當時她正在展示兩條新聞,都是關於某位大人物的去世。一條由人工智能機器人編寫,內容是某年某月,誰誰誰死了,頭銜是什麼,過往生平如何。另一條是記者寫的,內容類似於“天陰沉沉地下著小雨,彷彿全世界都在垂淚哀悼……”當女神老師斬釘截鐵地表示,應該拋棄人工智能的作品而選擇人類的作品的時候,我意識到女神老師和前沿領域脫節了。

摘要: Bound for a foreign country where you don’t speak the language? Good news: Google has you covered. This afternoon, the Mountain View tech giant announced that Translate, its free multilingual machine translation service, is now more robust. Offline, translation accuracy has improved by an order of magnitud in some cases.

摘要: Computer Vision models have learned to identify objects in photos such precision that some may outperform humans in some data sets. But when these same object detectors are released into the real world, their performance decreases dramatically, creating reliability problems for self-driving cars and other critical systems for security that using the machine vision .