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摘要: 在 DeFi 賽道中,流動性挖礦是獲得收益的一種方式,市場逐漸回暖的當下,許多人對於穩定幣的需求逐漸增加,因此穩定幣挖礦成為獲取不錯收益的一種方式。本文整了 7 個途徑在穩定幣挖礦中取得收益。

摘要: 由「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)掌管的波克夏海瑟威(Berkshire Hathaway)在 6 日舉行股東年會,巴菲特在會上針對各類議題發表看法,他認為,銀行業的問題可能持續發生,但存款人無需過度擔憂,而人們可能正對美元失去信心,但並不代表比特幣(BTC)就會大放異彩。

摘要: Imagine having a machine that prints money — we’d all be rolling in riches!

摘要: 國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)在 9 月發布「央行數位貨幣崛起」報告指出,全球已有超過一半的央行正在探索或開發央行數位貨幣(CBDC),截至今年 7 月有近 100 個國家的 CBDC 處於研究或開發階段,其中有 2 個國家的 CBDC 已正式推出,分別是奈及利亞和巴哈馬。

摘要: A new UK Finance Payment Markets report finds Faster Payments volumes increased by 23% to 3.6 billion from 2020 to 2021. The report looks at the latest payment trends from 2021 and forecasts up to 2031. Contactless payments appear to be a particular area of growth with almost one third of all payments in the UK made via contactless methods in 2021, up 36% from 2020. 58% of customer card payments were made by contactless. This is attributed to both the pandemic and the increase in contactless limit to £100.