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摘要: 元大投信是國內資產管理業佼佼者,近年陸續在前中後台導入自動化流程,同時因應金融科技崛起,導入AI於投資管理,開啟投信2.0新時代。

摘要: Technology has become an asset in finance: financial institutions are now evolving to technology companies rather than just staying occupied with just the financial aspect: besides the fact that technology brings about innovation the speeds and can help to gain a competitive advantage, the speed and frequency of financial transactions, together with the large data volumes, makes that financial institutions’ attention for technology has increased over the years and that technology has indeed become a main enabler in finance.



就如同上一篇專欄中貓大所說,在高頻交易的世界裡,最重要的一個特徵之一,就是 速度。除了增快連線速度,比別人更快的拿到分析資料外;加快策略分析速度,更快的算出市場趨勢,更是重中之重。如果分析趨勢的速度太慢,等到分析完成,下 單的時間點都過了,還談什麼獲利呢?沒有速度,即便策略判斷準確、百發百中,也是枉然。因為根本趕不上高頻交易世界中有如閃電般的趨勢變化。