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摘要: Design science research (hereafter DSR) is a relatively new approach to research (Reubens, 2016) with a goal to construct a new reality (i.e. solve problems) instead of explaining an existing reality, or helping to make sense of it (Iivari and Venable, 2009).



Design science research (hereafter DSR) is a relatively new approach to research (Reubens, 2016) with a goal to construct a new reality (i.e. solve problems) instead of explaining an existing reality, or helping to make sense of it (Iivari and Venable, 2009).

While van Aken (2004) states that DSR looks to develop valid and reliable knowledge for designing solutions he leaves out the actual utilisation and problem-solving capabilities. Both Horváth (2007) and Baskerville et al. (2015) bring out the dual mandate of the DSR:

(1) to utilise the gained knowledge to solve problems, create change or improve existing solutions; and (2) to generate new knowledge, insights and theoretical explanations. Furthermore, Horváth (2007) described a subtype of DSR that includes a study of actual creative design actions between explorative and confirmative research actions — the design inclusive research (hereafter DIR).

In short, DIR divides the DSR into three phases (Horváth, 2007): (1) exploration, induction and deduction of the problem, the context and the activities and setting hypothesis; (2) design and testing of the solutions; (3) verifying hypothesis, validation of the research and generalising towards other applications.



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