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摘要: The shift-left approach helps development teams make software better and faster. So why hasn't it caught on - and...



Last year, “shift left” — the idea of automating and introducing a variety of activities earlier into the software build cycle — was one of the hottest topics in development. I have talked about it frequently, and I believe it is fundamentally important to ensuring the quality of software, making it faster and better.

Areas that can be shifted left include functional and non-functional testing, code reviews, security code analysis (static and dynamic), security validations, performance and UX assessments, and code coverage assessments.

However, recent research carried out with the Gatepoint 2020 State of Test Automation Report shows us that shift left has not been widely adopted, at least not yet. Also, while the report focused on testing, anecdotally I hear from various companies that they have yet to embrace shift left in other areas, too.



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