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摘要: There is always some sport or another in season — which means sports betting is always in season. In fact, as we all learned last year when major-league sports leagues shut down worldwide, sports betting was more persistent than the sports themselves, as gamblers proved there are all kinds of things one can bet on — including camel racing or the weather.

摘要: 2020 saw the emergence of the retail investor as a key player (and now stakeholder) in US equity trading. Prior to Covid, there were several developments which set the table for this trend. And once Covid hit, a perfect storm of commercial models, technology, and retail investor appetite converged into a retail investor movement, driving markets throughout the year. That trend has continued into 2021.


摘要: 比特幣(BTC)近一週以來持續下行,昨天更在 1 小時內大跌 14%,下探 50,500 美元。當天中國央行人民銀行(PBoC)前行長周小川在博鰲亞洲論壇表示,對比特幣「要提醒,要小心」,並強調數位貨幣、數位資產還是要為「實體」經濟服務。另外周小川也針對 CBDC 與數位人民幣發表看法。