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摘要: 十年前,《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)出刊了一篇文章,指出資料科學家(data scientist)是「21 世紀最性感工作」。十年後,這種說法依然成立嗎?《哈佛商業評論》再次探討了這個問題

摘要: Every day, we see another traditional financial institution scrambling to figure out its crypto strategy, and it’s clear why. Crypto is past the tipping point of mainstream consciousness, and use cases like cross-border payments are firmly outside of the sandbox stage.

摘要: In DEFI 1.0 and yield farming, the liquidity provider will receive an ERC(BEP)-20 token as a mathematical proof of the loan to the bank. Holding the LP tokens will guarantee that the investors will get their assets back. What Sigmoid propose is to instead of issuing an ERC(BEP)-20 LP token, we will give the provider a ERC(BEP)-659 bond when deposit.

摘要: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says decisions like El Salvador’s choice to make bitcoin a legal tender as of Sept. 7 and the adoption of other cryptocurrencies as national currencies is fraught with problems and could destabilize a country’s macroeconomic standing.