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摘要: In this contributed article, Paul Ford, CEO of TRAFFK, discusses how the insurance companies that are able to successfully merge cloud-based data driven AI technology with the traditional methods of engagement through their agents are the ones who will rise to the top.

摘要: There were all kinds of questions in the public sphere as the second round of stimulus checks went out in early 2021. Would consumers actually spend them as intended, or would those stimulus dollars flow into savings accounts and toward paying off debt as so much of the first $1,200 round had? Was it not enough money? Was it too much money? Did the right people get it? Would the payout be smoother the second time through?

摘要: To get value from data, data stewards must understand business requirements and apply them. When business ambiguity arises about best serving data stakeholders, data stewards need to know how to find out this information and with whom to speak. Then these data trustees influence Data Quality for the better by aligning fit for purpose with business needs.

摘要: The novel coronavirus represents a fearsome risk which is stirring feverish behaviour by investors worldwide. This column shows that initially, economic expectations about international trade underlay movements in the stock prices of individual firms; later, concerns about corporate debt began to play a role.

摘要: 歷時五年、吸金超過 7.2 億美元的礦池龐式騙局 BitClub,於 2019 年被美國司法部起訴並逮捕了三位主謀;其中一名罪犯-約瑟夫·弗蘭克·阿貝爾(Joseph Frank Abel)近期在會議中認罪。然而由於自行認罪,最高僅可判處三年監禁和 10 萬美元罰款。

摘要: 是不是只有那些數學頭腦很好的人,才能理解那些在訊息安全中常常用到的技術(密碼學)?如果你要成為密碼學家,那可能是的,畢竟密碼學家的工作就是構造極難破解的加密演算法。但是加密方法在當今世界的用途已經非常普遍了,從保護用戶的信用卡訊息、保護遠程用戶的網路連接,到保護智力產權、防止盜版,密碼學無處不在。

摘要: 上週五(14),美國證券交易委員會(SEC)公布 13F 季度報告,揭露了股神巴菲特(Warren Buffett)執掌的波克夏海瑟威(Berkshire Hathaway),現持有金礦股巴里克黃金(Barrick Gold)達 20,918,701 股。從來不建議黃金投資的巴菲特,在今年第二季大規模買入金礦股,不禁令外界懷疑他正意圖做空美國經濟;同時,不少人也開始期待,巴菲特或許很快就會買進有「數位黃金」之稱的比特幣(BTC)。

摘要: 歷經 3 月中下殺恐慌,比特幣其後便逐步穩定並緩慢地上漲。在向來不看好黃金的巴菲特購買購買金礦股消息傳出後,盤整許久的比特幣昨夜(8 月 17 日)一舉突破 12,000 美元壓力位、漲幅達 2%,成功站上下個區間;據 AIcoin 顯示,截至截稿時,比特幣現價為 12,284 美元左右。