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摘要: In 10 years Bitcoin’s finite supply will be nearly exhausted, meaning holders might only need 0.01 BTC to become filthy rich.



While purchasing 0.01 Bitcoin (BTC) might cost only $500 today, current trends in global wealth distribution and the inevitable realization of Bitcoin's limited supply could result in 0.01 BTC being worth $1 million in the future.

According to Credit Suisse's "Global Wealth Report 2020", there are 51.9 million individuals with a net worth surpassing $1 million. The index considers a person's net worth, along with their financial and real estate assets, while al deducting their debts and liabilities.

Despite representing just 1% of the global population (excluding children), millionaires own 43% of the world's wealth.

According to Credit Suisse's individual wealth breakdown, 175,700 people were worth more than $50 million. Of these, 55,800 were worth at least $100 million, and 4,410 had wealth over $500 million.

Bitcoin's finite supply will reach 98% in 10 years

Bitcoin Supply and equivalent inflation. Source:


As of March 1, Bitcoin's total supply consists of 18.64 million BTC, leaving 2.37 million coins to be mined. In 10 years, the supply will reach 20.6 million, or 98% of the 21 million coins from the total supply.

When removing the 1.9 million coins that haven't been touched for over a decade from Bitcoin's supply cap, there is a maximum limit of 19.2 million BTC available for the world's millionaires. This leaves 0.37 BTC per millionaire, including the yet-to-be-mined coins, assuming Bitcoin's supply will be evenly shared between said millionaires.




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