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摘要: Many e-commerce companies are looking to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to reach more customers, improve their products and boost their sales. The trend can already be seen in e-commerce websites that feature recommendation engines, chatbots and smart assistants.





Search and browsing histories in various channels across multiple devices can offer a wealth of information that organizations can leverage to help them understand customer behavior and offer relevant and helpful recommendations to individual consumers.

Such practices have been successfully used by many enterprises. For example, Amazon makes recommendations to its users based on their online activity on the website. This has helped further propel the e-commerce company to becoming a global tech giant.

Amazon says that 35 percent of its sales are generated by its recommendation engine. That’s a success rate of more than one in three clicks. With AI and ML engines becoming increasingly accessible to businesses of all sizes, solutions like PureClarity, which can generate e-commerce recommendations for individual site visitors based on their journeys, are likely to see increasing demand.


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