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摘要: 【我們為什麼挑選這篇文章】學會工具背後的理論很重要嗎?很重要,因為這些知識邏輯會轉化成為你工作、學術研究的專業養分。工程師當然也可以只會用程式語言而不懂背後概念;不過,這就像一個調酒師不懂酒品知識、不知道原料釀造過程,他很會調,但也職涯發展也不過如此。因此要成為有價值的工程師,你需要懂原理,而這裡有五本書強化一下你的背景概念與自身邏輯。

摘要: 在2018年6月的 LINE CONFERENCE 2018上,LINE表明了未來要做所謂的通證經濟(Token Economy,亦有翻譯為代幣經濟),其中包含  1.加密貨幣交易所 BITBOX  2.成立unblock,發展 LINE 的通證經濟  3.成立LINE Blockchain Lab,研究區塊鏈技術、研發去中心化應用程式(Dapp)

摘要: 一個中國獨角獸都害怕到要提早上市避開它、一個 2018 第一季虧損卻無損估值的企業、一個坐擁超過 2,700 億美元的貨幣基金,在今年第二季結束的融資拿了 140 億美元,目前估值超過 1,500 億美元,這是阿里巴巴馬雲旗下最大、也是目前全世界最大的獨角獸──螞蟻金服。

摘要: LAST WEEK, BEN Goertzel and his company, Aidyia, turned on a hedge fund that makes all stock trades using artificial intelligence—no human intervention required. "If we all die," says Goertzel, a longtime AI guru and the company's chief scientist, "it would keep trading."

摘要: Machine learning has had fruitful applications in finance well before the advent of mobile banking apps, proficient chat bots, or search engines. Given high volume, accurate historical records, and quantitative nature of the finance world, few industries are better suited for artificial intelligence. There are more uses cases of machine learning in finance than ever before, a trend perpetuated by more accessible computing power and more accessible machine learning tools (such as Google’s Tensorflow).