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摘要: As enterprises embark on AI and machine learning strategies, chip makers like NVIDIA, Intel and AMD are battling to become the standard hardware providers.



As enterprises embark on AI and machine learning strategies, chip makers like NVIDIA, Intel and AMD are battling to become the standard hardware providers.

Artificial intelligence is becoming an integral feature of most distributed computing architectures. As such, AI hardware accelerators have become a principal competitive battlefront in high tech, with semiconductor manufacturers such as NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel at the forefront.

In recent months, vendors of AI hardware acceleration chips have stepped up their competitive battles. One of the most recent milestones was Intel’s release of its new AI-optimized Ponte Vecchio generation of graphical processing units (GPUs), which is the first of several products from a larger Xe family of GPUs that will also accelerate gaming and high-performance computing workloads.


Full Text: Informationweek

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