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摘要: 深耕廚具製造 40 多年的大雅廚具早在 2014 年便啟動自動化生產,並且逐步導入工業 4.0 技術,不但在技術上持續升級,在品牌經營面也相當著重,找來台灣第一名模林志玲長年代言,身為傳產轉型前段班的他們,近年還有哪些轉型計劃?

摘要: The year 2021 was out of the ordinary as global businesses struggled to keep afloat amid the pandemic. This unusual situation accelerated digitization in businesses, which led to a surge in “digital data.”

摘要: Energy and the environment were significant threads covered at Web Summit and garner additional importance when considering the travel and accommodation footprint created by almost 44,000 attendees. It calls for greater awareness of the CO2 produced by the event and its participants. While Web Summit took place on the same days as COP26, it still managed to attract energy and environmental industry pioneers.

摘要: In August 2021, the news about Japan suspending 1.63 million doses of the Moderna vaccine shocked the world community. It was revealed that the vaccine was contaminated with metal particles due to “human error specific to visually misjudging the required 1mm gap between the star-wheel and the stopper” of the machine that put the tops on vials. This incident put the spotlight on vaccine inspection, and how it could be carried out at scale.