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摘要: After the industrial revolution, human development accelerated; however, the progress of civilization also caused damage to the environment. The climate anomalies are getting increasingly severe, and the world has started to protect the environment and join the ranks of a friendly environment. However, some enterprises are deceiving the public by doing something “not green” in the name of “green.”

摘要: 今年 10 月,駭客利用跨鏈橋入侵幣安,造成約 10 億美元的損失,被竊取的資金中,約有 1 億美元無法追回。11 月,針對波音子公司 Jeppesen 的駭客攻擊導致不少航班規劃因此中斷。澳洲的健康保險公司 Medibank 被駭客入侵後,更面臨了「一份客戶資料一美金」,總共 970 萬美金的「優惠」贖金要求。
