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摘要: Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) tries to identify clusters of individuals (i.e., latent profiles) based on responses to a series of continuous variables (i.e., indicators). LPA assumes that there are unobserved latent profiles that generate patterns of responses on indicator items.

摘要: 本文的主要目的是要破除許多學生對於貝式定理「困難又不實用」的刻板印象。事實上,我們生活之中有許多情況必須要運用貝式定理的邏輯思考,否則便容易產生偏差甚至陷於謬誤。

摘要: 有些公司儘管擁有出色的人工智能業務理念,但當他們意識到自己沒有足夠的數據時,卻會慢慢變得沮喪......然而,解決方案確實存在!本文的目的是簡要介紹其中一些(在實踐中被證明有效的那些)而不是列出所有現有的解決方案。

摘要: Here a list of resources, mostly in the form of tutorials, covering most important topics in data science: This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning, Hadoop, decision trees, ensembles, correlation, outliers, regression, Python, R, Tensorflow, SVM, data reduction, feature selection, experimental design, time series, cross-validation, model fitting, dataviz, AI and many more.