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摘要: 的Unicode字符集包含了上百萬個字符。最簡單的編碼是UTF-32,每個字符使用32位。這樣做最簡單,因為一直以來,計算機將32位視為數字,而計算機最在行的就是處理數字。但問題是,這樣太浪費空間了.UTF-8可以節省空間,...

摘要: 10月14日,的Python 3.8正式版發布。這也意味著一個Python的開發週期的結束,和另一個開發週期的開始.Python 3.9預計在2020年10月份發布.Python項目中一個常見的麻煩就是清理GIT中代碼庫中的__pycache__文件,這些文件...

摘要: To build an effective learning model, it is must to understand the quality issues exist in data & how to detect and deal with it. In general, data quality issues are categories in four major sets.

摘要: Below picture represents the machine learning & data mining process in general. Data cleaning and Feature extraction is the most tedious job but you need to be good at it make your model more accurate.

摘要: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in whicha computer learns to perform a task through repeated trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic environment. This learning approach enables the computer to make a series of decisions that maximize a reward metric for the task without human intervention and without being explicitly programmed to achieve the task.