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摘要: Even though banking and financial services have been slower than other industries to adopt the latest technology into their operations, financial organizations are trying to catch up by incorporating artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other technology to benefit their customers, remain competitive and improve business results. Here are the 7 biggest technology trends that will disrupt banking and financial services in 2020.



Artificial Intelligence (AI)

......So, how do financial institutions use artificial intelligence? The most visible way the banking industry uses artificial intelligence (AI) is for customer service from chatbots and robots. ......


......Blockchain can support banking in several ways. Bitcoin showed how it can be used for payments, but it can also be transformative in the way our capital markets work by tokenizing traditional bonds, stocks, and other assets and putting them on public blockchains. Blockchains would remove the gatekeepers and third parties in the loans and credit system while also making it more secure to borrow money and lowering interest rates. ......

Big Data

......Financial institutions can use big data to learn more about customers and be able to make business decisions in real-time including learning about a customer's spending habits, sales management such as segmenting customers to optimize marketing as well as product cross-selling, fraud management, risk assessment, and reporting, and customer feedback analysis. ......

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

......RPA, through customer service chatbots helps banks deal with the low-priority queries from customers such as account and payment questions to free up human customer agents to deal with the high-priority concerns.......

Cloud Computing

......Cloud computing makes 24/7 customer service from anywhere possible. In addition, cloud computing enhances the agility of financial institutions and makes scaling up services easier and quicker.......

Voice Interfaces

Chatbot solutions, enabled by sophisticated artificial intelligence, are being deployed by financial institutions to reduce costs and meet customers' expectations regarding quick response and effective issue resolution.......

Cyber Security and Resilience

......Financial institutions must do more than invest in technical measures to protect against cyberattacks. ......


Full Text: CNBC

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