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摘要: 不久前中國出現了兩位新臉孔的新聞主播,男主播新小浩出現於前,女主播新小萌出現在後,這兩位能坐能站、有手勢、有表情、有唇形變化的主播,係由新華社與搜狗公司聯合開發的「AI合成主播」,新小萌號稱是世界第一個AI新聞女主播。

摘要: 有位香港大亨是Samathur Li(李建勤),他的父親是Shaftesbury Plc(一家英國房地產投資信託基金)的主要投資者,Shaftesbury Plc擁有倫敦唐人街、柯芬園和卡納比街的大部分物業。他最近控告銷售人員是Raffaele Costa,他主要為投資管理公司英仕曼集團(Man Group Plc)和旗下全資子公司GLG Partners Inc銷售投資基金工作。控告的理由是Raffaele Costa宣稱利用AI操盤的機器人投資可以賺大錢,結果害他賠錢。

摘要: Software engineer and philosopher William J. Littlefield II pointed out in a recent essay that there are three types of reasoning. Two of them, we probably all learned in school: deductive and inductive reasoning. Computers can do both of these quite well.

摘要: There is no denying a global shift toward regulating privacy with new legislation such as General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). With this, an increasing number of trends are emerging with respect to privacy legislation comparative to the landscape five years ago.

摘要: As we prepare to say goodbye to the 2010s, I have been reflecting on the past decade in donor-advised funds (DAFs). There are some important truths that fuel charitable giving, including DAFs, and that have remained the same for a long time—Americans are generous and donors want to stay close to their philanthropy.