摘要: Software engineer and philosopher William J. Littlefield II pointed out in a recent essay that there are three types of reasoning. Two of them, we probably all learned in school: deductive and inductive reasoning. Computers can do both of these quite well.
摘要: There is no denying a global shift toward regulating privacy with new legislation such as General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). With this, an increasing number of trends are emerging with respect to privacy legislation comparative to the landscape five years ago.
摘要: As we prepare to say goodbye to the 2010s, I have been reflecting on the past decade in donor-advised funds (DAFs). There are some important truths that fuel charitable giving, including DAFs, and that have remained the same for a long time—Americans are generous and donors want to stay close to their philanthropy.
摘要: 在絕大多數人的認知中,荷蘭曾經發生過鬱金香狂熱,最後泡沫破滅。而本文則表示,從來就沒有真正的鬱金香狂熱,並非所有荷蘭的階層都捲入其中,之所以荷蘭鬱金香泡沫如此著名,很大程度是因為宣傳的原因,有一些人將其影響故事化,並放大,從而導致這種敘事的延續。當然這是一家之言,歷史上是否真正存在鬱金香泡沫?大家怎麼看?本文源自於 Smithsonian 雜誌的部落格《There Never Was a Real Tulip Fever》,由專欄作者藍狐筆記整理、翻譯與撰稿。