台灣的大數據有何優勢?重視以人為本的"厚數據" 摘要: 大數據不是AI的重要事項,而是「厚數據」的重要性、以人為本的考量,每個客戶對公司都是重要的,除了大數據分析,還要了解感情因素所延伸的需求 閱讀全文...
The EU is leading the way on STO compliance and support 摘要: The European Union recently unveiled a new suite of regulations for European securities, and they have big implications for the STO market. 閱讀全文...
Top 10 Data and Analytics Technology Trends for 2019 Identified by Gartner Summary: Gartner recommends that data and analytics leaders talk with senior business leaders about their critical business priorities and explore how the following top trends can enable them. 閱讀全文...
台灣僅32%企業導入AI,遠低於亞太平均 摘要: 微軟(Microsoft)與國際數據資訊(IDC)發表報告,訪問超過200名台灣主管與員工,發現台灣企業導入AI比例雖然較低,但在2021年前,AI將對台灣產業的創新力及員工生產力提升超過兩倍。 閱讀全文...