摘要: 大數據,是近幾年內最為熱門和重要的技術話題。 8月31日,百度百家舉辦的第三期BIG,請來了可穿戴設備和大數據領域享有盛譽的世界級權威教授Alex Pentland,與百度百家共同探討大數據和可穿戴設備的未來。 Alex Pentla ...
Although technology companies like Teradata and SAS are making data easier to use, business will need well-educated analysts for years to come, according to Jerry Oglesby, senior director for global academic and certification programs at SAS, the global analytics specialist.
Teradata TDC +0.00%, IBM IBM -0.65%, SAS and Tableau are among the big data specialists offering training for data scientists, sophisticated analysts, business intelligence experts – whatever they end up being called, but people who can work with the data they can collect and store.